Are Lentils Low FODMAP?

If you have problems digesting certain foods, especially legumes, you have likely wanted to know if there are any specific types that are easier to tolerate. As a registered dietitian who has dealt with digestive issues, I have also wondered if certain there are certain types that are easier on digestion than others. Are Lentils Low FODMAP?

dried red lentils in a brown sack.

The low FODMAP diet aims to reduce or eliminate high FODMAP foods to alleviate symptoms. This involves avoiding or limiting certain legumes, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. By doing so, people can experience relief from their digestive discomfort like bloating, gas, and abdominal pain and improve their quality of life. 

Keep reading to learn more about how lentils can fit into your diet if you suffer from digestive issues like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). 

What are FODMAPs?

First, let’s review what FODMAPs are to understand the Low FODMAP diet better. FODMAPs are a group of carbohydrates known to trigger digestive issues in some individuals. These carbohydrates are fermentable and osmotic, pulling water into the intestinal tract, leading to distention and discomfort, particularly in those with sensitive guts. The fermentation of FODMAPs by gut bacteria can produce gas, contributing to bloating and flatulence.

Managing FODMAP intake can be key to relieving symptoms for people with conditions like IBS, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), or other functional gastrointestinal disorders. By understanding which foods are high in FODMAPs, you can make informed choices about which foods to eat and the proper portions. Many legumes are high in FODMAPs, so let’s discover if lentils are safe to consume on a Low FODMAP diet. 

Are Lentils Low FODMAP?

So, if you are on a Low FODMAP diet, the best way to enjoy lentils is by eating canned lentils. According to Monash University, canned lentils are lower in FODMAP content due to the water-soluble FODMAPs leaching into the canning liquid. Drained, canned, red lentils are low FODMAP, up to ¼ cup per meal or 46 grams. A moderate serving of canned lentils, ⅓ cup or 65 grams, is moderately high in galactooligosaccharides (GOS). And six tablespoons or 77 grams is high in GOS and moderately high in fructans. 

canned lentils.

Unfortunately, dried green lentils are high in FODMAPs, and only a tiny portion (29 grams) are low in FODMAPs. Dried green lentils are moderately high in GOS in ⅓ cup serving and high in GOS in ½ cup or 46 grams. 

However, dried red lentils that have been hulled, boiled, and drained are low in FODMAPs and get the green light from Monash University in ¼ cup serving or 23 grams. A moderate serving of dried red lentils is ⅓ cup per meal or 46 grams and is moderately high in GOS. 

dried red lentils in the package.

Here is a table summarizing the FODMAP content of lentils using information from the Monash University app.

FoodLow FODMAP servingModerate FODMAP servingHigh FODMAP serving
Canned red lentils, drained¼ cup, 46 grams⅓ cup, 65 grams, GOS6 tablespoons, 77 grams, GOS, fructans
Dried green lentils, hulled, boiled and drained29 grams⅓ cup, 34 grams, GOS½ cup, 46 grams, GOS
Dried red lentils, hulled, boiled and drained¼ cup, 23 grams½ cup, 46 grams, GOSn/a

Preparing and Cooking Lentils on a Low FODMAP Diet

If you decide to use dried lentils, red lentils are lower in FODMAPs than green lentils. When preparing dried lentils, it’s recommended to soak them before cooking to help reduce their FODMAP content. Then, rinse them thoroughly and cook them until they are very soft to make them easier to digest. Being mindful of these preparation techniques and serving sizes, you can enjoy lentils while keeping your FODMAP intake in check. 

Canned lentils can be a convenient option while on a low FODMAP diet since they are pre-cooked and ready to use in various dishes. When choosing canned lentils, select products that do not contain high FODMAP ingredients, such as onion or garlic. Opt for plain, canned lentils. 

Also, when using canned lentils, remember recommended portions to prevent exceeding recommended FODMAP levels. You can also rinse canned lentils before adding them to your dishes to help reduce their FODMAP content. 

Meal Ideas with Lentils

Incorporating lentils into a Low FODMAP diet can open up more meal possibilities, especially if you have been missing your legumes. Add them to your favorite low FODMAP soups, stews, salads, or rice bowls.

If you love lentil soup, try my Red Lentil Turkey Sausage Soup! It uses low FODMAP ingredients and serving size recommendations.

If you suffer from IBS with constipation, adding a low FODMAP serving of lentils is a great way to increase fiber intake and improve your bowel regularity. 


In conclusion, incorporating lentils in small portions can be safe on a low FODMAP diet. Using the recommended portions and types of lentils in this post can allow you to enjoy these delicious legumes! Now that you have this information, add lentils to your favorite low FODMAP soups, stews, and salads and increase your fiber intake. 

More Low FODMAP Information

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